Our service provides information about award flight availability and booking options based on the information provided by the client and available at the time the report was prepared. Bookings made following our advice are entirely at the client’s risk and cost. It is the client’s responsibility to ensure that their booking made online or over the phone becomes “ticketed” before the flight. The Points Concierge is not responsible for booking outcomes, flight schedule changes, delays, cancellations, or other airline or government actions.
The Poins Concierge is not responsible for:
Award availability is subject to change at any time. To ensure you secure the flights you want, we recommend booking as soon as possible.
All tax amounts quoted are based on the customer's origin, unless otherwise specified, and are subject to change.
There is a distinction between a flight “reservation” and the flight “ticket” being issued (known as “ticketing”). Sometimes ticketing follows immediately or overnight after a booking is made, but it can also take days or even weeks if the flight is some time away and your booking has been flagged for manual processing. It is your responsibility to ensure your flights are ticketed. You may need to contact the airline if you have not received a ticket number within 24 hours of booking, as you may lose your flights if the booking is not ticketed within a few days.
The Points Concierge does not offer travel insurance, we highly recommend that you purchase appropriate travel insurance for your trip.